Message from the Dean of Students
Our office is mandated with a responsibility of acting as a link between students and the Administration. We provide various services like student Welfare, counselling, games and Sports, Students with Special Needs, Career Placement, Spiritual Nourishment and Wardenship. We coordinate activities of the Students Governing Council (SGC) and advice on how to form professional clubs and societies which expose you to global industry.
We also handle students conduct and discipline. Our top priority is to provide the necessary resources and support services to compliment and supplement your academic development outside your academic curriculum to produce a holistic individual capable of copying and functioning anywhere. We are here to assist you when you are experiencing difficulties that might impact negatively on your learning.
Do not hesitate to contact the Dean of Students Office or any Student Affairs member for information and guidance. We strive to provide a healthy sense of self for you to make individual choices that promote your wellbeing, develop consistent ethics and values, develop skills to establish and sustain meaningful healthy interpersonal relationships, recognize respect, value diversity and develop a desire for lifelong learning and professional development.

Dr. Mary Goretti Wosyanju, PhD.
Dean of Students
Services offered include:
The Office of the Dean of Students co-ordinates elections of students. It is run by elected leaders for one academic year as per their constitution and the Universities Amendment Act (2016). It organizes some of the students’ activities. The organization draws up programmes for entertainment, cultural and social activities.
Work study programme- we identify needy students and place them in various departments of the university to work and earn some money for upkeep.
The counselling office facilitates and promotes an individual student’s personality, well-being, social, intellectual psychological and career development. Professionally trained officers are available to counsel an individual or groups of students and to assist in resolving adjustment and progress in the university. The counselling officers work in liaison with academic and administrative staff on matters regarding programmes and activities involving students. The unit also trains peer counsellors.
This unit caters for the needs of students abled differently such as the hearing, visually and physically impaired to develop their full potential and enjoy all privileges. The unit offers Braille courses to sighted students who assist the visually impaired students to search for materials from the library and other resource centres.
The unit promotes physical and mental fitness through various indoor and outdoor activities and participation in regional, national and international sports.
Sports participation is a core component of student engagement and as a strategy for social actualization and academic success.
Guided by the values of collaboration and inclusiveness, student engagement strives to contribute to the development of globally minded leaders prepared to engage and make change in their communities.
Sports and Games at the University of Kabianga are provided in great variety, which we seek to continually improve through increasing the choice of activities by introducing new disciplines and expanding available opportunities. This is done to avail each student an opportunity to excel in any chosen field, besides engaging in the activities for recreational and wellness purposes as the basic justification.
The Chaplaincy caters for the spiritual needs and concerns of Students and those of the entire community, through marriages, weddings, baptisms, burials and co-ordinates all religious activities. When a student passes away, we give our moral, spiritual and psychological support by organizing for students to attend a funeral and also send staff to represent the Vice Chancellor at the funeral.
The unit co-ordinates Career Guidance and job placement services in collaboration with the Deans of Schools in the University. It also organizes workshops on individual induction, interview preparation, career mentorship, company research, CV writing, covering letter advice and Alumni activities.
We advise students to seek sponsorship from Higher Education Loans Board (HELB), Constituency Development Funds (CDF), individuals, church, corporate organization and trust funds.
The office advices students on how to draft a constitution to form a club or association before they conduct any activities. It liaises with the Legal Officer before registering the club. Clubs are expected to provide a programme of activities for the entire semester for approval before they operate.
The office facilitates talented students to promote innovation in collaboration with respective academic advisors with expertise. We also nurture their talent through choir, drama and dance among others. Cultural activities are organized to appreciate diversity and promote cohesion. The office enhances creativity through formation of clubs.