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Dr Keitany Pauline Jeruto

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Tutorial Fellow Keitany Pauline Jeruto
P.O BOX 2030 - 20200, Kericho, Kenya
Mobile: +254 710 389 167 Department of Marketing, Management Science, Tourism and Hospitality Member of Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM)
Certified Procurement and Supply Professional (CPSP-K) (ongoing)

International Publications

(2018) “Practice on Supply Chain Performance & management among G4S Transport & Logistics Firms In Western Kenya” International Journal of Influence of Confidentiality Ethical Economics, Commerce

(2018) Ethical Recent Research in Commerce Practice on Supply Chain Performance Economics & Management among G4S Transport & Logistics Firms In Western Kenya  International Journal of Influence of Supplier Evaluation (IJRRCEM)

(2018) “Effect of Green Tendering on the Performance of Agriculture & Life Sciences of Sugar Factories in Western Kenya Sugar   Zone ”East African Scholars Journal.

(2018) “Effect of Procurement Planning on Suppliers Purchasing and Supply Chain Performance in Public Institutions: A Case of Management Moi University ”European Journal of Logistics.

(2017)  “Effect of Collaborative Awareness on Purchasing and Supply Chain  Supply Chain Agility of Cosmetics Management Manufacturing Firms in the County Government of Nairobi, Kenya.”European Journal of Logistics.

(2017)The International Journal of  Supply Chain Planning and Competitive Business Management Advantage of organizations: A Survey of                                               Parastatal Corporations in Kenya

Pauline Jeruto Keitany (2014) Assessment of the role of Materials Management on Organizational Performance-A case of New Kenya Cooperative Creameries Limited, Eldoret Kenya. European Centre for Research Training and Development UK , Vol.1, No.1, pp.1-10
Keitany, P Riwo-Abudho (2014), Effects of Lean Production on Organizational Performance: A case study of Flour Producing Company in Kenya. European Journal of Logistics Purchasingand Supply Chain Management, Vol.2, No.2, pp.1-14
Keitany Pauline Jeruto and Lawrence Mutwol (2014) An Investigation of the Effect of Interdepartmental Coordination Between Material Related Departments on Organizational Performance: A Survey of Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company Limited, Eldoret. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Impact Factor (2012): 3.358 Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014
Keitany, P and Lawrence M (2014), Effects of performance appraisal system on job performance and motivation in Kenya: A Survey of Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology
1.      2016 University of Eldoret The Effect of Procurement Planning on Suppliers  Performance in Public Institutions: A Case of Moi University
2.      2016 University of KabiangaProcurement tendering and Suppliers Performance in Public Institutions: A case of Moi University

Procurement and Supply Chain areas
School of Business & Economics

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