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Mr. Joseph K. Cheruiyot

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/13/2021 - 05:13

Mr. Joseph K. Cheruiyot is Lecturer of Accounting, Finance and Economics at the Department, Accounting Finance and Economics at the University of Kabianga.

Lecturer P.O. Box 2030 20200 – Kericho Kenya
Mobile: +254 722 456 131
Email: OR Department of Marketing, Management Science, Tourism and Hospitality HOD - Marketing, Human Resource, Tourism and Hospitality

Selected Publications
 Dr. Jim Roberts Ageng’o, Tibbs Charles, Cheruiyot Joseph and Achieng F.O. Henry (2011): Role of production control using linear decision rules in production and operation management.
Dr. Jim Roberts Ageng’o, Tibbs Charles, Cheruiyot Joseph and Achieng F.O. Henry (2011): Impact of micro-credit services on women owned business in Bureti District Kenya.
S.K Kipchumba,P.K Cheruiyot, and J.K Cheruiyot, (2011): The effect of exchange rates on manufacturing sector in Kenya-(Under Review at AJOBE, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya).
Dr. Jim Roberts Ageng’o, Tibbs Charles, Cheruiyot Joseph and Achieng’.F.O Henry Industrial Sales Forces: -Trends and developments.
Rop Williter Chepkemoi Ngeno, Bet Shadrack, Kimutai Cheruiyot (2013); ‘’The Performance Appraisal Policy and Tools used by the Kenya Teachers Service Commission in Bomet Constituency’’- International Journal of Humanities, Vol.3 No 16 (Special Issue – August 2013) 
Charles Yegon, Joseph Cheruiyot, Dr. J. Sang, Dr. P.K. Cheruiyot (2014), “The Effects of Capital Structure on Firm’s Profitability: Evidence from Kenya’s Banking Sector” Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) Vol.5, No.9

The world economy
Global warming and other environmental issues,
Development economics
Research among other areas
School of Business & Economics

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