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Dr. Catherine Nyambura Mwihia

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/13/2021 - 05:13
Lecturer Dr. Catherine Nyambura Mwihia
P.O BOX 2030 - 20200
Kericho, Kenya Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Article “The images of Women in African (GÎKÛYÛ) Proverbs” - 2007 Hoseo University Magazine, South Korea.
A Theological Analysis of African Proverbs about Women: With Reference to Proverbs from Gikuyu People of Central Kenya. Saarbrucken, Lambert Academic Publishing (2011)
Women in the Biblical Book of Proverbs: Discourses with the New Roles of African Women. Saarbrucken, Lambert Academic Publishing (2011)
Book/ Journal Reviews
Gathogo Julius. 2011.The pangs of birth in African Christianity: essays in commemoration of one hundred years of Mutira Anglican Mission (1912-2012) Saarbbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. In History Society of Sothern Africa Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae. May 2014. Vol XL. No1, 345-346.
Jegede, Emmanuel, 2015. Delivering Sustainable Development in Nigeria: The Imperative of Culture. In Chemchemi Journal of Kenyatta University. (In process of publication).

Women and Culture
Biblical Studies
Religion: Biblical Studies, Church History
African Theology

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