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Dr. Solomon Kaptingei Too

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/13/2021 - 05:13
Lecturer Solomon Kaptingei Too
P.O BOX 2030 - 20200
Kericho, Kenya
Mobile: +254 727 817 082
Email. Department of Curriculum Instruction and Educational Media

Solomon Kaptingei (2016). The Challenges of Learners with Diverse Linguistic Needs: Experiences of Teachers in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (, Vol.4, No.9, pp.78-86, August 2016(Special Issue)
Solomon Kaptingei (2012). ‘The Use of Drama Techniques in Teaching of English Language; The Case of secondary Schools in Uasin Gishu-County in Kenya’. Lambert academic publishing.
Solomon Kaptingei (2014). ‘An Assessment of the nature of teachers maxims in the teaching of English language learners with diverse linguistic abilities in Uasin-Gishu County’. International Journal of Current research, volume 6 issue no 2
Solomon Kaptingei (2014). ‘Instructional strategies employed by teachers in language classrooms in Addressing learners diverse linguistic needs’. Journal of emerging trends in economics and management sciences (JETEMS)
Conference and Seminars Presented
2011, Teachers Orientations Towards Information Communications Technologies in Curriculum Management in the Universities. A paper co-authored with Makobila, L and Eunice, K. at the 7th annual international conference held at Moi University main campus,
2011, Rethinking Teacher Education to meet Changing Demands; Against the Compartmentalization of Knowledge in Teacher Education. A paper co-presented with Odero, M, and Jepkemoi E, at the 7th annual international conference held at Moi University main campus.
2011, Teacher Education in Kenya; A Case for a Reinvigorated change, A paper co-authored with makobila, l and Eunice K. at the 7th annual international conference held at moi university main campus, 
Instructional Methods and Media Use in the University, a presentation during a pedagogical workshop for university lecturers held at African international college (AICO) in Eldoret,

School of Education, Arts and Social Sciences Courses Taught
CIM 314 English Methods
 CIM 210: General methods
CIM 211: Media Resources
CIM 360 Media Practicals and Micro- teaching
IRD 100: Communication Skills 1
IRD 102: Communication Skills 11

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