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Dr. Syallow Cajertane Makero, PhD.

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/13/2021 - 05:13
Senior Lecturer Dr. Syallow Cajertane Makero,
P.O BOX 2030 – 20200,
Kericho, Kenya
MOBILE:+254 722 694 177 HOD - Environmental Health

Book Publication
A Chapter in Leisure Planning in Transitory societies in Children and Land use in Kenya Country Side – Turbo Division - (2000)
Family Influences on creativity of School children (2015).
International Publications
Nutrition and its effects on Learning among the Early Childhood and Primary Education Chn. of Sigor Location
The preconditioning factors to a child’s creative mind in a family set-up
Developing creative minds through Family Support in CHILDREN
Local Publications
In the name of the mean score and its implication to creative talents of primary school pupils.
Job satisfaction Among Nurses and Delivery of quality health care services – Terms and conditions of services - A Case of Rift Valley
Roles of Medical Educators in the Advancement of Health professions – Review of Local curricula and practices.

Medical Psychology
Child Development & Growth
School of Science & Technology

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