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Dr. Kipkosgei Andrew Kibet, PhD.

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/13/2021 - 05:13

Dr. Andrew Kipkosgei is the director of Quality Assurance and a lecturer in the School of Education.

Lecturer Chairman - BOG of Koptega High School
Department of Curriculum Instruction and Educational Media Director, Quality Assurance

Conferences Attended and Papers Presented
 Presented a paper on the Impact and Distance Learning on Teacher Education in Kenya Universities, at Moi University – ATWS 9th September, 2011.
Presented a paper on the Gender Differences and Attitudes towards learning of Mathematics among Secondary School Students in Elgeiyo Marakwet County at Masinde Muliro University – ATWS.
6TH International Multi – Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics 17th – 20th July, 2012 – Orlando, Florida, USA
Adoption and use of ICT in enhancing management of public secondary Schools. A survey of Kesses Zone secondary schools in Wareng District of Uasin – Gishu County, Kenya.
Enhancing classroom instructions through the appreciation of Bluetooth technologies. A case of Schools in Kenya.
Gender Difference and attitude towards learning mathematics among secondary students in Kenya (Strathmore).
“Effect of tutorial software on students achievements in probability concept in secondary schools in Bungoma County”(Strathmore) “Integrating ICT in curriculum delivery for digital content: lessons from Kilgoris Kindle” Schools Project in Kenya. . July 23 – 27 2012 Spain
The rise of open and Distance learning on Teacher Education in Kenya Universities at the 7th International Technology Education and Development Conference held in Valencia, Spain, 4th – 6th November 2013.
Integrating ICT in curriculum Delivery for Digital contact Lesson from the Kilgoris Kindle Schools Project in Kenya at 5th international conference of Education, Research and Innovation held in Madrid, Spain, 19th – 21st of Nov, 2012.

School of Education, Arts and Social Sciences

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