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Nzioki Japheth Mativo

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Nzioki, Japheth M., Rosebella O. Onyango, and James H. Ombaka. "Socio-Demographic Factors Influencing Maternal and Child Health Service Utilization in Mwingi; A Rural Semi-Arid District in Kenya." American Journal of Public Health Research 3.1 (2015): 21-30. Available online at:
Japheth Mativo Nzioki, Rosebella Ogutu Onyango, James Herbert Ombaka. Efficiency and factors influencing efficiency of Community Health Strategy in providing Maternal and Child Health services in Mwingi District, Kenya: an expert opinion perspective. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2015;20:88 Available online at: doi:10.11604/pamj.2015.20.88.4711
Nzioki, J. M., Ombaka, J. H., & Onyango, R. O. (2015). Perceived Socio-Cultural and Economic Factors Influencing Maternal and Child Health : Qualitative Insights from Mwingi District , Kenya. Annals of Community Health, 3(1), 13–22. Available online at:…
Conferences/Workshops Papers presented
Japheth Mativo Nzioki, Rosebella Ogutu Onyango, James Herbert Ombaka, (2015). Integrating Hygiene and Sanitation Promotion in Primary Health Care Systems is the Way Forward; Evidence from Community Strategy in Kenya; Presented at MAKERERE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES, 11th Joint Annual Scientific Health (JASH) Conference 2015 (Wednesday 23th – Friday 25th September 2015 at Speke Resort Munyonyo Kampala, Uganda)
Nzioki Mativo, · Rosebella O. Onyango · James H. Ombaka (2015). Socio-Demographic Determinants of Maternal and Child Health Service Utilization in Rural Mwingi West Sub County; A Descriptive Cross Sectional Survey (Conference: Presbyterian University of East Africa- 1st Annual international Scientific Conference)
Nzioki Mativo · James H. Ombaka · Rosebella O. Onyango (2015). Community Health Worker Led Health Education is key to Improving Maternal and Child Health Outcomes; Evidence from Community Strategy in Kenya (Conference: Eastern African Multidisciplinary Annual Research Conference, At USIU-Africa Nairobi Kenya)

School of Science & Technology

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