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Dr. Mathew Murunga

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/13/2021 - 05:13

Dr. Mathew Murunga is a lecturer in the School of Science and Technology, Department of Physical Sciences.

Lecturer Sponsoring over 50 students in terms of fees.
Motivational Speaker
Help the aged and orphans
Dr. Mathew Murunga
P.O. BOX 2030 - 20200
Kericho, Kenya
Email: Head of Laboratories, Head of research in Physical Sciences Department Member of Journal of Chemical Society of Kenya
Member  - Ethiopian Journal of Analytical Chemistry

International Publications
Guidebook on Instrumental Methods
Standars Methods for the Determination of Water and Waste (2010)
Effect of negative ∆G on the Biosorption process.
Local Publications
KCSE REvision Chemistry Practical Book (2006)
Environmental Effects of Laboratory Chemical Handling and waste disposal methods in Secondary Schools and Colleges in Kenya (2009)
Biosorption of selected heavy metals in fixed bed-flow through column from effluent of pulp and paper industries by pretreated biomass of  LAMINARIA Japonica

1. Environmental Remediation 2. Instrumental Methods 3.Biosorption
School of Science & Technology Analytical Chemistry - Both Graduate and Undergraduate levels.

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