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Prof. Eric Koech, Ph.D., MBS

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Prof. Eric Koech is a Full Professor of Agroforestry at the University of Kabianga. Prof. Koech also serves the University of Kabianga as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, in-charge of Administration and Finance.

Professor Member and Elder of AIC, Kericho Trinity Church
Department of Agro-forestry, Environmental Studies and Integrated Natural Resources Management Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Administration & Finance MEMBER, KENYA AGROFORESTRY NETWORK (KAFNET).
PROFESSIONAL MEMBER of the (British) Plant Pathological Society.
MEMBER, America Association for the Advancement of Science.
MEMBER, Forestry society of Kenya.

Some of the Recent Publications and Conference Proceedings
KUNGU, J. B., F.K. SANG and E. KOECH (1996). Agoforestry Education in Kenya with Reference to Moi University.People and Institution Participation in Agroforestry for Sustainable Development. pp 710-714. Mugah J.O. (Ed).
KOECH, E.K. and R.WHITBREAD (2000). Disease Incidence and Severity on Beans in Alleys Between Leucaena Hedgerows. Agroforestry Systems 49: 85-101. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Martinus Nilhoff/ Dr W. Junk Publishers ,Dordrecht, Netherlands.
INOTI, S.K. JAMA, B.A., KOECH, E.K., and OTHIENO C. (2002). Economic Benefits For Maize in Split Application of Tithonia and Urea in Phosphorous Deficient Soils of Western Kenya. A Paper accepted for publication in a Special Issue of East Africa Agricultural and Forestry Journal Covering the 1st Egerton – KARI NPBRC Symposium held on 4th - 5th November 2001. PP39 - 43 .
KOECH,E.K., MOGOTSI, K. and TEMU A.B. (2002). Agroforestry and Integrated Natural Resources Training and Education in Universities an d Colleges : A chapter in a book In: Internalisation of Higher Education: The African Pe rspective from ANAFE Programme. Moi University Press, Eldoret, Kenya. Some, D.K. and Kh aemba, B.M. (eds). ISBN 9966-854-37-1.
KOECH, E.K., KUNGU, J. B. (2002). Agroforestry Education and Training in Universities and Colleges: Experiences from ANAFE Programme Project in Kenya in: Agroforestry in Kenya. A paper presented in a National Agroforestry Workshop at KEFRI-Muguga, Kenya.
KOECH, E.K. and IMO, M. (2003). Integrated Land Use Education for the Youth: An Eff ective Way of Empowering Kenyan Farmers of Tomorrow : A chapter in a book In: Temu, A.B., Chakeredza S., Mogotsi K. Muthali D. and Mulinge R. (eds). Rebuilding Africa’s Capacity for Agricultural Development. The Role of Tertiary Educ ation. April 2003. ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN 92-9059-1609.
OKEYO M. M., OKALEBO J. R. OTHIENO C.O. KOECH E.K. and NDUNGU, K.W. (2003). Residual Effect of Minjingu Rock Phosphate and Shor t Fallow Biomass Incorporation on Maize Yields in Bumala, Kenya . A Poster Paper Abstract Presented at the East Afr ican Soil Science Society in Eldoret.
OKEYO M. M., OKALEBO J. R. OTHIENO C.O. KOECH E.K. and NDUNGU, K.W. (2003). Residual Effect of Minjingu Rock Phosphate and Shor t Fallow Biomass Incorporation on Maize Yields in Bumala, Kenya . A Poster Paper Abstract Presented at the 6 TH African Crop Science Congress in Nairobi.
JUMA P., KOECH, E.K. and NYAMAI, D. (2003). Propagation of Melia volkensii in the semi-arid areas of Kenya . New Forests (2006) 32: 215-227. Kluwer Academic P ublishers. Springer, the Language of Science Publishers,Dordre cht, Netherlands.
NGUYO N. R and KOECH E. (2003). Challenges and Opportunities in Dissemination of Agroforestry Technologies: A Case of Yala Division, Siaya District in Western Kenya . Agroforestry Today.
KOECH, E.K. (2004). Diseases of Tree Species in Agroforestry Systems : A Laboratory Manual for use by ICRAF in East and Central Africa Region. Edited by Burkland P. and Mogotsi K. K. Africa Network for Agroforestry Education in Africa (ANAFE). ICRAF (World Agroforestry Centre).
AUCHA, J.A, KOECH, E.K and LWAYO, M. K. (2004). The Role of Agroforestry in enhancing Food Security in ASALs: The Case of Kibwe zi Division of Makueni District . A Paper Presented in 1 st World Congress of Agroforestry: Working Together f or Sustainable Land Use Systems at Orlando, Florida, USA.
KIBOR, B.T., SMITHSON, P.C., KOECH, E.K., OKALEBO, J. R., JAMA, B., ODEE, D. and MACHUA, J. (2004). Effect of Soil Type and Phosphorous Fertilization o n Growth and Nutrient Uptake by Agroforestry Shrubs in Western K enya . A chapter in a book In: Msaky, J. J. T., Msumali G.P. and Rwehumbiza F. B. R. (eds). S oil Science Research and Technologies: Foundations for Sustainable Food Security. December 2001, Moshi, Tanzania. ISBN 9966-879- 27-7.
HITIMANA, J., KOECH, E., ORINDA, B. and MBULA, B. ( 2005). Structure And Composition Of Woody Plants On Farms Around Ndalat Hills In The Nzoia Catchment, Kenya . 2nd KARI/LVEMP National Conference held from 17 th to 19 th October 2005 in Kisumu, Kenya.
KOECH, E.K. and R.WHITBREAD (2005). Incidence and Severity of Bean Rust (Uromyces appendiculatus) in Alleys Between Leucaena Hedgerow s in Kenya . New Forests (2006) 31: 385-402. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Springer, the Language of Science Publishers,Dordrecht, Netherlands.
HITIMANA, J., KOECH, E., SENELWA, K. and ORINDA, B. (2005). Farm Forestry Implications in Lake Victoria Basin – Case study of Ndalat Hills Water Catchment Afforestation Program: 1998 – 2003 . ILEC Young Water Professionals Conference Sept. 2005, Nairobi, Kenya.
KOECH, E., HITIMANA, J., CHEBOIWO, J., MISONGE, J. and MUREITHI, W. (2005). The Role of farm forestry in socio-economic development and environmental conservation in Kenya: challenges and opportunities. A paper presented in the 1 st Annual Conference on “innovations and Challenges in Education, Environme ntal and Natural Resources management and communication and Development in the 21 st Century”, 15 th –16 th February 2005, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
KOECH, E.K. (2006). Forestry Education and training at Kenyan Universit ies: A Case of Moi University . A Paper Presented in the 16 th FAO Session at Rome, Italy: 10-14 March, 2003.
GICHURU, T. M., NJUNGE, J. T. and KOECH, E.K. (200 7). Phytotoxic Effects of Gliricidia sepium prunings on Maize Germination and Growth. In: Much iri, M. N., Kamondo, B., Ochieng, D. Tuwei, P. and Wanjiku, J. (eds.) 2007. Forestry research in environment 4 4 conservation, improved livelihoods and economic dev elopment: Proceedings of the 3 rd KEFRI scientific conference, Muguga, Kenya, 6 to 9 Novemb er 2006. pp 25-29. ISBN 9966-9660-8-0.
MBURU, F., MUISU, F., ETIEGNI, L. KOECH, E. and G ERALDIN, P. (2007). Assessment of Biodegradation by fungi and termites on heat-tr eated Grevillea robusta. In: Muchiri, M. N., Kamondo, B., Ochieng, D. Tuwei, P. and Wanjiku, J. (eds.) 2007. Forestry research in environment conservation, improved livelihoods and economic development: Proceedings of the 3 rd KEFRI scientific conference, Muguga, Kenya, 6 to 9 November 2006. pp 63-71. ISBN 9966-9660-8-0.
KIDOMBO, S.D. and KOECH, E.K. (2007). Effect of sa linity on seed germination and early growth of Moringa oleifera . In: Muchiri, M. N., Kamondo, B., Ochieng, D. Tuw ei, P. and Wanjiku, J. (eds.) 2007. Forestry research in envir onment conservation, improved livelihoods and economic development: Proceedings of the 3 rd KEFRI scientific conference, Muguga, Kenya, 6 to 9 November 2006. pp 170-173. ISBN 9966- 9660-8-0.
KOECH, E. (2007). Forestry extension and education in Kenya: Historical perspective, evolution, challenges and opportunities. In: Muchi ri, M. N., Kamondo, B., Ochieng, D. Tuwei, P. and Wanjiku, J. (eds.) 2007. Forestry research i n environment conservation, improved livelihoods and economic development: Proceedings o f the 3 rd KEFRI scientific conference, Muguga, Kenya, 6 to 9 November 2006. pp 314-320. IS BN 9966-9660-8-0.
RONO, J., KOECH, E. and KIREGER, E. (2008). Effect of micro-catchments configurations on survival, drought tolerance and growth of some m ultipurpose trees in semi-arid areas of Nyando, Western Kenya. A paper presented for publi cation in a 4 th Annual International Conference on “Resource utilization for sustainable growth and development in the 21 st century. 29 th July – 1 st August 2008, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
ROP, S. K., IMO, M. and KOECH, E. (2008). Biomass production and nutrient yield of some short duration improved fallows in Western Kenya. A paper presented for publication in a 4 th Annual International Conference on “Resource utiliz ation for sustainable growth and development in the 21 st century. 29 th July – 1 st August 2008, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
IMO, M., OCHIENG, E.A., OGWENO, E.A. SENELWA, K. OT OTO, G.O. KOECH E.K. and WANYIRI J.M. (2008). Evolution of forest plantation management in Kenya: from the Shamba system to PELIS - what is the difference ?. A paper presented for publication in a 4 th Annual International Conference on “Resource utilization f or sustainable growth and development in the 21 st century. 29 th July – 1 st August 2008, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
KAPUKHA, M. KOECH, E.K., and KIREGER, E. (2008). Ge rmplasm selection in private tree nurseries of Bungoma District, Western Kenya. A pap er presented for publication in a 4 th Annual International Conference on “Resource utiliz ation for sustainable growth and development in the 21 st century. 29 th July – 1 st August 2008, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
AHOLO, O., IMO M. and KOECH, E. (2008). Effects of Euclea divinorum and Vangueria madascarensis green mulch in soil fertility improvement in West Pokot District, Kenya. Biomass production and nutrient yield of some short duration improved fallows in Western Kenya. A poster presented for publication in a 4 th Annual International Conference on “Resource utilization for sustainable growth and de velopment in the 21 st century. 29 th July – 1 st August 2008, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
KOECH, E. and KIREGER, E. (2008). The Place of Wome n in Tertiary Natural Resource Education for Socio-Economic Development: Perspecti ve on Problems and Trends in Kenya. In: Temu, A. B., Chamshama, S. A. O., Kungu , J., Kaboggoza, J., Chikamai, B. and Kiwia, A. (eds.) 2008. New Perspectives in Forestry Education . ICRAF, Nairobi. ISBN. 978-92-9059- 221-1.
OMBAI, W.K., KOECH, E. K., KIREGER, E. K. and AHEN DA, J. (2009). Dessication Tolerance of Seeds of Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindi ) . Journal of Agriculture, Pure and Applied Science and Technology. 2: 76-82. Moi Unive rsity Press, Eldoret, Kenya. ISSN 2073- 8749.
CHEBII, J., IMO, M., KOECH, E., and NDUFA J.K. (200 9). Effects of Tillage on Greenhouse Gas Emission and Nitrogen Mineralization Under Teph rosia Fallows in Nyabenda, Western Kenya. Journal of Agriculture, Pure and Applied Sci ence and Technology (JAPAST). 3: 40-56. Moi University Press, Eldoret, Kenya. ISSN 2073-874 9.
KAPUKHA M., KOECH, E. K. and KIREGER, E. K. (2010). Germplasm Selection in Private Tree Nurseries: A Case Study of western Kenya. Jour nal of Agriculture, Pure and Applied Science and Technology. 5: 15-21. Moi University Pr ess, Eldoret, Kenya. ISSN 2073-8749.
KIREGER, E.K. and KOECH E.K. (2010). Population Str ucture and Density of Prunus Africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman (Rosaceae) in Kenyan F orests. Journal of Agriculture, Pure and Applied Science and Technology. 6: 1-6. Moi Univers ity Press, Eldoret, Kenya. ISSN 2073- 8749.
BASWETI, E.A., JAMA, B.A., KOECH, E. K. and OKALEBO , J.R. (2011). Effect of Improved Fallows and Phosphorous Applications on We eds and Maize Yield in Smallholder Farming System of Western Kenya. American-Eurasian. J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 10(4): 504- 514. ISSN 1818-6769. IDOSI Publications.
GACHIE, P.K., KOECH, E. K., NJUNGE, J. T., SIMIONS A. J. and NDALUT, P.K. (2012). Variation in Yield and Composition of Crude Bark Ex tracts of P. Africana in Different Provenances of Kenya. Forests, Trees and Livelihood . DOI: 10.1080/14728028.2012.662627.http//www.tandfonline. com/loi/tftl20. ISSN 1472-8028 print/ISSN 2164-3075 online.
NJOROGE, E., SIRMA, P., MBURU, J., KOECH, E., MUGO, M. and CHEPWONY, J. (2012). Preference and Adaptation of Farmer Field School (F FS) on Prosopis Juliflora Management Practices. Experiences in Baringo Distri ct, Kenya . Accepted for Publication. Journal of Forest Studies In China (Manuscript ID F SC-2011-0066.R1).
MUGO M., NJOROGE, MWASI, B., MBURU, F., SIRMA, P. a nd KOECH, E .. (2012). Adaptation of the Natural Resources Conservation Se rvice (NRCS) Curve Number (CN) Model in Estimating Direct Runoff from Humid Tropic al Forest Catchments. . Accepted for Publication. Water and Environmental Journal. In U.K. (Manuscript ID WEJ-5057-11.R1).
RONO, J., KOECH, E ., KIREGER E., and MBURU F. (2013). Effects of Micr o-Catchment Rain Water Harvesting on Survival and Growth of Mul tipurpose Trees and Shrubs in Nyando District, Western Kenya. International Journal of A gronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR). Vol 3, No 1 p. 17-25, 2013. http: // ww. I ISSN 2223-7054 (Print) 2225- 3610 (online)

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