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Dr. Alexander Kipkemoi Rotich

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/13/2021 - 05:13
Lecturer Motivational Speaking in School in Bomet County
Chair of Board of Management - Bukunye Secondary School, Bomet County
Mr. Alexander Kipkemoi
P.O BOX 2030 - 20200
Kericho. Kenya
Mobile: +254 723 576 335 Department of Languages, Linguistics & Communications School of Arts & Social Sciences Coordinator of CUE Exhibition Chama Cha Kiswahilih Afrika Mashariki  (CHAKAMA)
Chama Cha Kiswahili Cha Taifa (CHAKITA)
Kenya Oral Literature Assiciation (KOLA)

Alexander K. Rotich (2019). Simulizi Za Unyanyapaa Unaohusiana na Virusi vya Ukimwi Nchini Kenya Kibaadausasa. East African Journal of Swahili Studies, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2019: ISSN: 1476-4687
2018: Postmodern Strategies in Music on HIV/AIDS: A Reading of Kenyan Popular Gospel and Secular Songs. Mara Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2018, Pages 13 - 25, ISSN: 2519-1489
2017: Science and Religion Seam against HIV/AIDS: A Postmodern Study of Joel Kimetto’s ‘Kichigili’ and ‘Torosta’ Gospel Songs. Mara Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2017, Pages 13 – 23, ISSN: 2519-1489 
2014: A Survey of the Practice of Physical Education and Sports for all in Secondary Schools in Bomet County in Kenya International Journal of Sports Science
p-ISSN: 2169-8759    e-ISSN: 2169-8791 2014;  4(6): 223-229 doi:10.5923/j.sports.20140406.04 
2012: Children's Songs in Nursery and Primary schools in Bomet Municipality: A Functional Analysis JOurnal of Agriculture, Pure an Applied Science and 
Technology ISSN 2073-8749 j.agric.pure.appl.sci.technol


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