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Dr. Rop Naaman Kipsigei

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/13/2021 - 05:13
Lecturer Dr Rop Naaman
P.O BOX 2030 - 20200
KERICHO, KENYA Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Head of Department - Humanities and Social Sciences

Books Published
Rop, N. African Traditional Religion: An Introduction, ISBN: 978-1515213475, Create Space Inc. UK, 2015.
Rop, N. Introduction to Christian Doctrines, ISBN: 978-1511787208, Create Space Inc. UK, 2015.
Rop, N. Applied Ethics: An Introduction, ISBN: 978-151786027, Create Space Inc. UK, 2015.
Rop, N. Investigations on Philosophy of Religion: The Self, Death and Afterlife (Vol. 1), ISBN 978-3-659-45906-1, Lambert Academic Publishers, 2014.
Rop, N. Investigations on Philosophy of Religion: Religious Diversity and Pluralism (Vol. 2), ISBN 978-3-659-58809-9, Lambert Academic Publishers, 2014.
Rop, N. Religion and Health: Influence of Religion on Longevity, ISBN 978-3-659-58696-5, Lambert Academic Publishers, 2014.
Scholarly Articles Publications
Muihia C. and Rop, N. Healthcare Provision in Hospital:The Role of  MYsticism in the Seventh Day Missionary Church (SDMC) in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social  Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1
 Rop, N. “From Warfare to Cautious Meditation”: An Interaction Paradigm Model for a Renewed Appraisal of Science and Religion (American Journal of Social and Management Sciences ISSN Print: 2153-1540, ISSN Online: 2152-1559, Vol.1, Issue, 2, 2015, pp.121-127)
Rop, N. “We Work Together for Our Common Well-being”: A Critique of Paul F. Knitter’s Soteriocentrism (Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN 2039-9340, Vol 4, no. 2, 2015, pp. 245-257)
Rop, N. Scriptural Basis For Inter-Religious Dialogue: A Comparative View Of Islam, Christianity And African Traditional Religion (Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies (ISSN: 2321 – 2799)Vol. 03 – Issue 01, 2015, pp.74-84)
Rop, N. ‘African Traditional Religion a Substructure for Sustainable Development in Africa: A Kenyan Perspective’ (International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences) ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper), ISSN 2222-2863 (Online), Vol 2, No.3, 2015.
Rop, N. ‘Heideggerian and Ricoeurian Hermeneutic Phenomenology: Explication and Critique’(Comprehensive Academic Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN 002-2344-322 Vol. 3 Issue No. 2, pp.36-48)
Rop, N. ‘An Analysis of Concomitant cum Indispensible Interdependence of Religion Culture and Communication’ (Comprehensive Academic Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN 000-27387-434 Vol. 2 Issue No. 45, pp.71-84)
Rop, N. ‘An Inquiry Towards a Definition of Ethics’ (Comprehensive Academic Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN 000-27387-433 Vol. 2 Issue No. 45, pp.112-124)

Religious Studies (Comparative Religion, Inter-Religious Dialogue, African Traditional Religion, Religion and Science, Ethics, Peace and Conflict)

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