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Mr. Waswa Michael Nakitare

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/13/2021 - 05:13
Tutorial Fellow P.O. Box 166­ - 50400, Kimilili, Kenya.
Tel: +254 721 688 769;

International Publications
M.N. Waswa, R.K. Boiyo, M.M. Riara (2013) “Characterization and Study of Biodegradation Effect on the Creep Behavior of High Density Polyethylene/Cellulose Blend” International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 9(1): 115­126.
Martin M. Riara and Michael N. Waswa (2014) “Creep Analysis Characterization and Study of Biodegradation Effect on Compression Molded LDPE/Cellulose Composites” International journal of polymer and composites, 3(1): 37­-45.
Michael N. Waswa, Abdallah S. Merenga, Charles M. Migwi (2014) “Thermal and Diffusion Characterization of High Density Polyethylene/Cellulose Blend Inoculated with Aspergillus niger Fungus” International journal of Science and Technology, 3(6): 320­ - 327.
Nakitare, W. M and Abdallah S. Merenga (2014) “Effect of Inoculation on Storage and Loss Moduli of High Density Polyethylene/Cellulose Blend” International journal of Applied Science and Engineering Research, 3(2): 464 - ­472.

Superconductivity & their applications and Nanotechnology
School of Science & Technology

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