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Dr. Langat Cheruiyot Reuben, PhD.

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Lecturer Dr. Langat Cheruiyot Reuben, PhD.
P.O BOX 2030 - 20200
Kericho, Kenya
Email: Department of Mathematics, Actuarial and Physical Sciences Departmental Industrial Attachment Co-ordinator

International Publications
Patrick Bii, Jackson Too and Reuben Langat, (2013). An investigation of student’s attitude towards use of chatbot technology in Instruction: the case of Knowie in a selected high school. Educational Research Journal. . 4(10):710-716.
Langat Reuben Cheruiyot, Tonui Benard Cheruiyot, and Lagat Janet Jepchumba.(2014).Estimation of Population Total using Model Based Approach: A Case of HIV/AIDS in Nakuru Central District, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research.3(11) :171-175 ISSN :2277-8616
Tonui Benard C., Langat Reuben C., Gichengo Joel M., (2014). On Markovian Queuing Models. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. 3(11) :93-96, ISSN :2319-7064
Betty Chepkorir, John K. Rotich, Benard C. Tonui, ReubenC. Langat (2014). Intersection Matrices Associated With Non Trivial Suborbit Corresponding To The Action Of Rank 3 Groups On The Set Of Unordered Pairs. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research.3(12) :1-5, ISSN :2277-8616.
Local Publications
Model-Assisted Estimation of Finite Population Total in Stratified Random Sampling-Master’s Thesis

Nonparametric density estimation, Sample Surveys, Queuing Theory, Quality Control, Disease mapping and Spatial Statistics.
School of Science & Technology

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