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Dr. Matonyei Kibiwot Thomas

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Lecturer Dr. Thomas Matonyei
P.O BOX 2030 - 20200
Tel: +254 415 375 Department of Agro-forestry, Environmental Studies and Integrated Natural Resources Management

International Publications
T. K. Matonyei, R. K. Cheprot, J. Liu, M. A. Piñeros, J. E. Shaff, S. Gudu, B. Were, J. V. Magalhaes, L. V. Kochian: Physiological and molecular analysis of aluminum tolerance in selected Kenyan maize lines, Plant Soil (2014) 377:357–367, DOI 10.1007/s11104-013-1976-6.
Cheprot R.K., Matonyei T.K., Maritim K.K., Were B.A., Dangasuk O.G., Onkware A.O and Gudu S: Physiological characterization of Kenyan sorghum lines for tolerance to Aluminium. International Journal of natural Sciences Research, 2014, 2(4):59-71.
Cheprot Reuben K, Matonyei Thomas K, Were Beatrice A, Dangasuk O. George, Onkware Augostino O, Ouma Evans O, Too Emily J, Liu J, Gudu S and Kochian L.V: Phylogenetic relationship among Kenyan sorghum germplasms based on aluminium tolerance. African Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 12(22), pp. 3528-3536, 29 May, 2013
Ouma E., Ligeyo D., Matonyei T., Agalo J., Were B., Too E., Onkware A., Gudu S., Kisinyo P. &Nyangweso P. (2013). Enhancing maize grain yield in acid soils of western Kenya using aluminium tolerant germplasm. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (A) 3, 33-46.
Ouma E., Ligeyo D., Matonyei T., Were B., Agalo J., Too E., Onkware A., Gudu S., Kisinyo P.,Okalebo J. & Othieno C. (2012). Development of maize single cross hybrids for tolerance to low phosphorus. African Journal of Plant Science 6(14), 394-402. DOI: 10.5897/AJPS12.134.
Local Publications
Cheprot, R.K. , Matonyei, T.K.., Were, B.A., Dangasuk, G.O., Onkware, A. O., Too, E.J., Ringo, J. H. and Gudu, S. (2010). Characterization of Kenyan sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cultivars for aluminium tolerance. A poster presented at the Sorghum research conference, March 29-April 1 2010, Hotel Sirikwa, Eldoret, Kenya.
Matonyei, T. K., Cheprot, R.K., Ligeyo, D.O., Were B.A., Onkware., A.O., Dangasuk O.G., Hart, J.J., Shaff, J., Maron, L., Gudu, S, and Kochian L.V (2009). Phenotyping of selected Kenyan maize lines for Aluminium tolerance. A paper presented at the 5 th Annual international conference held on the 4 th – 8 th August 2009 at Moi University Eldoret, Kenya.

Application of biotechnology as a tool to solve environmental problems e.g. food shortage, pollution, deforestation etc.

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