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Mr. Wachana Sabwami Richard

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/13/2021 - 05:13
Lecturer Research Consultancy
Mr. Richard Wachana
P.O BOX 786 - 00618
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 727 03 65 56
Email: Department of Mathematics, Actuarial and Physical Sciences Departmental Internship Coordinator, Applied Statistics Programme Coordinator Member of Society of Biometry and Biostatistics

International Publications
Kakai Rose, Lucia A. Odongo, Ayub V. Ofulla, and Richard Wachana. “Malaria and Human Immunodeficiency Virus among Women Attending a Postnatal Clinic in Kenya” Public Health Research 2014, 4(6): 219-224
Lucas Othuon, Wilson Odero, Doreen Othero, Omondi Ahawo and Richard Wachana. ”Youth character and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS in western kenya” Elixir Psychology 54 (2013) 12442-12451.
Otuya W. I., Onyango M. A., Ofafa G. A., Ojera, P. B. and Wachana R. S. “The Effect of Ethical Treatment towards Customers on Enterprise performance in Mumias Sugar Belt, Kenya.” International Journal of Current Research Vol. 5, Issue, 02, pp.377-381, February, 2013.
F. Buntinx, R. Wachana, S. Bartholomeeusen, K. Swelden, H. Geys “Is herpes zoster a marker for occult or subsequent malignancy?” British journal of general practice, 55 (2005), p. 102-107.
Local Publications
Wachana Richard, Joseph Muchangi, Ephraim Njega, and John Njiri, “National Horticulture Market Information System Baseline Survey Report.”

Small Area Problems,
Statistical Computations,
Spatial data,
Climatic data,
Clinical Trials,
Computer Intensive Methods.
School of Science & Technology

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