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Dr. Caroline Chemosit

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Dr. Caroline Chemosit is the head of department - Edication Administration, Planning and Management at the University of Kabianga.

Dr. Caroline Chemosit
P.O BOX 2030 - 20200
Kericho, Kenya
Tel: +254 721858995
Email: Department of Education, Administration, Planning and Management HOD - Education Administration, Planning and Management

Selected Publications
Rugutt, J. K., Eckrich, L. T. & Chemosit, C. C. (2013). Internet Technology Levels in a Higher Education Teaching and Learning Environment: Discriminant Function Analysis Approach, pp. 163-177 in Keengwe, Jared (ed) In Research Perspectives and Best Practices in Educational Technology Integration. Pennsylvania: IGI Global Press.
Chemosit, C. C. (2012, fall). Exploring the Relationship between Active Learning and Skills and Attributes That Enhance Learning among College Students. UAO Progressive Measure, 8(1).
Chemosit, C. C. (2012, fall). Exploring the Relationship between Active Learning and Skills and Attributes That Enhance Learning among College Students. UAO Progressive Measure, 8(1).
Rugutt, J. K., & Chemosit, C. C. (2009). What Motivate Students to Learn? Contribution of Student-to-Student Relations, Student-faculty Interaction and Critical Thinking Skills. Educational Research Quarterly, 32 (3) 16-28.
Rugutt, J. K., & Chemosit, C. C. (2005). A Study of Factors that Influence College Academic Achievement: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Journal of Educational Research & Policy Studies, 5 (1) 66-90.

Student Engagement: Academic and Non-Academic Activities
Teaching and Learning Environment: Student Learning & Effective Teaching Techniques
Sustained Learning Commitment
Student Academic Achievements
School of Education, Arts and Social Sciences

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