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Prof. Adam K. arap Chepkwony, D.Phil.

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Prof. Chepkwony is the Full Professor of Religion specializing in Comparative Religion, Liberation Theologies, New Religious Movements, African Religion and Theology. He is the current Vice President of Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians and member of several other professional bodies. His areas of academic interest include:
Comparative Religion,
African Religion
Religion and Science
Christian Ethics
Biblical Studies
Inter-religious Dialogue
Peace and Conflict
Religious Education Methods.
He has authored Four books and more than thirty journal articles, chapter in Books and entries in Encyclopedias. He is a visiting scholar of Science and Religion in Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford.

Professor Prof. Kiplangat Arap Chepkwony
School of Arts and Social Sciences
The University of Kabianga
P.O. Box 2030 ­20200, Kericho, Kenya
Office Phone number: 254­202172665; Home number: 254­721314219
Office Fax: 051­8006965
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Chairman - UoK Annual International Conference Preparation Committee, Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford Participant Member of Ecumenical Symposiums of Eastern African Theologians (ESEAT)
Series Editor of Ecumenical Symposiums of Eastern African Theologians (ESEAT) annual volume
Vice-President of Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT)
Consultancy - Peace Building and Cultural Change
Publisher with Kacece Publications

Adam K. arap Chepkwony, (ed.,) Religion and Health in Africa: Reflections for Theology in the 21st Century (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2006).
Adam K. arap Chepkwony and Michael M. Ntabo, (ed.,) Dialogue in Religion and Science: An African perspective (Eldoret: Moi University Press, 2009).
Adam K. arap Chepkwony and Peter M. Hess, (ed.,) Human Views of God: Variety not Monotony (Eldoret: Moi University Press, 2010).
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, Re-discovering African Wholistic Approach to Life: Ways of Acquiring and Appropriating Knowledge (Moi University Press, 2011).
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, Return and Pick It: An Introduction to African Counselling and Therapy. (Kericho: Kacece Publications, 2014).
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Theological Trends in Africa” African Ecclesial Review, 34:1 (February, 1992) 2 – 17. For a modified and revised version of this article, see “Theological Trends in Africa” Asbury Theological Journal, Vol.49, No.1 (Spring 1994), 23 –34.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Love: The Organizing Principle of World Spirituality." The Journal of Religious Studies, Vol.XXIV (Spring 1994) 136 – 144.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Church and Democracy: A Personal Reflection." African Ecclesial Review, 36.5 (October 1994) 312 – 328.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “The Aged: An Endangered Species in the Modern Society.” African Christian Studies, Vol.10, No.4 (December 1994), 14 – 28.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “The Youth: A Challenge to the Church in Africa Today.” African Ecclesial Review 38.1 (February 1996), 26 – 42.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “The Role of Theologians in the Reconstruction of a Just Africa.” Journal of Black Theology in South Africa, Vol.10, No.2 (November 1996), 36 – 49.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Political Pluralism in Africa” in Theology of Reconstruction: Exploratory Essays (Nairobi: Acton Publishers, 1999), 243-257.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Religion and Democracy in Africa” in Democracy and Reconciliation (Nairobi: Acton Publishers, 1999), 98 – 116.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony “Gender, Identity and Modernism: The Kipsigis Experience.” Theologia Viatorum– Journal of the Faculty of Theology, University of the North, 1998, 108 – 127.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, "Sabbath Keeping Among the Kalenjin: A Critical Response to Ngetich's View" Journal of Adventist Thought in Africa, Vol. 4, No 1 (February 2001).
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, "Christianity and Ethnicity" in Quest for Abundant Life in Africa: (Nairobi: Acton Publishers, 2001), 140 - 157.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “An African Approach to the Acquisition of Wealth and Dealing with Poverty”, in Peter Kanyandago (ed.) The Cries of the Poor in Africa: Questions and Responses for African Christianity. ( Kasubi: Marianum Publishing Company Ltd., 2002), 9 - 32
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Coping with Death in an African Perspective” In Quest for Integrity in Africa: (Nairobi: Acton Publishers, 2003), 34 – 56.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “ Christian and Traditional African Attitudes Towards HIV/AIDS, ”African Ecclesial Review 46:1 (March 2004), 55 – 66
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Building A Culture of Peace through Reconciliation: African Traditional Perspective” in Mary Getui and Musyimi Overcoming Violence: A Faith Based Response (Nairobi: NCCK 2003), 51 - 62.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Religious Education in Tertiary Institutions in East Africa” in Religions in East Africa under Globalisation: (Nairobi: Acton Publishers 2004)
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “African Religion and Science” in P. Ade Dopamu and others, African Culture, Modern Science and Religious Thought ( Ilorin, Nigeria: ACRS, 2003), 152 - 162
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “arap Koilegei Kipnyole”, in Phyllis G. Jestice, (ed.,) Holy People of the World: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara, California: ABC, CLIO Publishers, 2005), 66 - 67.
arap Chepkwony, “Birech, Ezekiel Kiprop” in Phyllis G. Jestice, (ed.,) Holy People of the World: A Cross-Cultural Adam K. Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara, California: ABC, CLIO Publishers, 2005), 125.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Mugeni Bargetuny”, in Phyllis G. Jestice, (ed.,) Holy People of the World: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara, California: ABC, CLIO Publishers, 2005), 606.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “African Religion, the Root Paradigm for Inculturation Theology : Prospects for the 21st Century”, in Nahashon W. Ndungu and Philomena N. Mwaura (eds.,) Challenges and Prospects of the Church in Africa (Nairobi: Paulines Publication Africa, 2005), 13 – 53.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Social and Religious Experience in Tokyo” AASR Bulletin (No. 23, May 2005), 28 – 30.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, "Healers and Healing in an African Spirituality" Forth- coming in Encylopedia of Science, Religion and Society: History, Culture, and Controversy. M.E Sharpe Publisher, 2006.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Healing and the Environment in an Africa Spirituality" Forth-coming in Encylopedia in Forth-coming Science, Religion and Society: History, Culture, and Controversy. M.E Sharpe Publisher, 2006.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Healing Practices in African: Historical and Theological Considerations” in Adam K.arap Chepkwony, (ed.,) Religion and Health in Africa: Reflections for Theology in the 21st Century (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2006)
Adam K. arap Chepkwony “Religion and Science: Living ‘Double’ Lives in Africa” in Nehemiah Nyaudi and Kennedy Onkware (eds.,) Science and Human Values: Essays in Science , Religion and Modern Ethical issues. (Eldoret: Zapf Chancery, 2006), 173 – 187.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, "African Religion and the African States” in Peter Gichure and Diane Stinton eds.,, Religion and Politics in Africa: Theological Reflections in the 21st Century. (Nairobi: Paulines Publications, Africa, 2008) 17 – 33.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Moral Values from an African Perspective” in Mary N. Getui ed., Responsible Leadership in marriage and Family.(Nairobi: Acton Publishers, 2008), 14 -24.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony and Roselyne Sugut, “Counselling and Health Care of children in Africa “ in Adam K. arap Chepkwony and Michael M. Ntabo, (ed.,) Dialogue in Religion and Science: An African perspective (Eldoret: Moi University Press, 2009), 153 - 161
Adam K. arap Chepkwony “Eschatology and world Religions: The Example of the Kipsigis of Kenya” in Adam K. arap Chepkwony and Peter M. Hess, (ed.,) Human Views of God: Variety not Monotony (Eldoret: Moi University Press, 2010), 33 – 41
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Development and Challenges of Pastoral Care in Africa” in Laurenti Magesa ed., Africa Theology comes of Age: Revisiting Twenty Years of the Theology of the Ecumenical Symposium of Eastern African Theologians (ESEAT), (Nairobi: Paulines Publications, Africa, 2010), 70– 83.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “An African Response to Urban Ministry in Africa” in Chinwe M.A. Nwoye ed., Urban Monistry in Africa: Theological Reflections for the 21st Century, (Nairobi: Paulines Publications, Africa, 2010), 30 -45
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Forgiveness: The Divine Gift of Peace, Reconciliation and Healing” in Samuel K. Elolia, ed., Religion, Conflict and Democracy in Modern Africa: The Role of Civil Society in Political Engagement (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2012), 134 - 150
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, “Challenges and Prospects of Teaching African Religion in Tertiary Institutions in East Africa” in Afe Adogame, African Traditions in the Study of Religions in Africa (Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2012), 35 -51
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, Lessons from the Past in Peacebuilding in East Africa: Exploring the role of Churches, Reflections for Theology in the 21st Century (Nairobi: Paulines Publications, Africa, 2013), 41 – 55.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, Tuluab Kipsigis: The Sacred Mountain of Kipsigis People of Kenya. Voices (Vol 36,1 and 2, April /September 2013), 75-88.
Adam K. arap Chepkwony, Leadership in the African Christian Churches in Crisis: Who will speak for the Voiceless – Forth coming book to be published in America 2015.

Comparative Religion,
African Religion,
Religion and Science;
Christian Ethics;
Biblical Studies;
Inter­religious Dialogue;
Peace and Conflict,
Religious Education Methods
Comparative Religion
History of REligion
Religions in Kenya
African Religions

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