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UoK Commercialization Master Plan 2022-2027

  • July 14,2023
  • by admin

UoK Commercialization Master Plan 2022-2027

The Directorate of Research, Linkages and Extension held a validation workshop of “University of Kabianga Commercialization Master Plan, 2022 – 2027” on 27th June, 2023 at Senate Chamber. The event was grazed by Deputy Vice Chancellor (PRD) and Deputy Vice Chancellor (A & F) and attended by 70 stakeholders with representation from students, staff, administrators and lecturers.

The road to UOK Commercialization Master Plan began in November, 2022 after University of Kabianga was considered to participate in Research to Commercialization (R2C) project by Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA) alongside Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST), Moi University, KIRDI and KALRO.

The Commercialization Master Plan is a concerted effort of University of Kabianga Science Technology Innovation Project Team led by Prof. Issa Mwamzandi (Director, RL&E), Dr. Shadrack Mule (Technology Transfer Officer, TTO) and Dr. Patricia Chepkwony (Director, Marketing) in collaboration with Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA), African Centre of Technology Studies (ACTS) and British Aid who sponsored the activity.

The Commercialization Master Plan (2022-2027) is anchored on one of the major strategic pillars of the University, namely the research, innovation and extension pillar. It is an ambitious roadmap that complements other University activities and plans, specifically designed to strengthen the University’s research output and at the same time generate wealth through the commercialization of research products. The CMP seeks to play a critical role in ensuring that University of Kabianga transforms into a self-sustaining institution against the backdrop of financial limitations and diminishing exchequer grants. It also seeks to anchor research away from the general perception and practice that measures publications as the desirable end product.

The Commercialization Master Plan, therefore, addresses key concerns that can accelerate the commercialization process. The master plan covers the situational analysis of University of Kabianga on Commercialization, the strategic direction of the plan, key strategic Issues and objectives, Implementation matrix, implementation structure and the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning mechanisms.

By admin

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