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European Union (EU) Head of Delegation Accepts to Grace University of Kabianga 3rd International Conference

  • July 14,2023
  • by admin

European Union (EU) Head of Delegation Accepts to Grace University of Kabianga 3rd International Conference

The organizing committee for the 3rd UoK International Conference chaired by Prof J.K. Kibett identified H. E. Amb. Henriette Geiger as a keynote speaker for the upcoming conference.

Ms Geiger, an experienced Diplomat having been in the EU's Council of Ministers, the United Nations General Secretariat, and served both private sector and civil society. She undertook her studies in Germany and the United States of America (USA) where she earned two masters degrees in social sciences being a Fulbright Scholar. She has keen interest in academics enhancement and research as a means to societal transformation.

Dr. Thomas Otieno Juma, Head of Department of Humanities and Social Sciences and a member of the Conference Committee was sent to deliver the Vice-Chancellor’s letter of invitation to the Ambassador. She graciously accepted to be a keynote speaker during the conference. Later, a number of discussions took place surrounding:

  1. Scholarships

  1. Research Fundings in partnership with EU

  1. Other areas of interest to Amb. Heinriette include mentoring students. She promised to have a special session of discussion, question, and answer with the students of Public Administration (PA) and Human Rights (HR) after the Keynote speech.

The University of Kabianga Conference Committee, Senate and the University Management invite participants from all corners of the globe to this great International Conference that will take place between 27th and 29th September 2023. This will be the first such conference after the COVID – 19 Pandemic.

By admin

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