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Sensitization Workshop on Productivity Mainstreaming

  • February 20,2024
  • by admin

Sensitization Workshop on Productivity Mainstreaming

In discharging its mandate of providing high quality training, research and extension services that meet customer requirements and exceed their expectations, productivity  is imperative. In this respect, productivity by every employee is paramount. In this respect, the University held a two day  Sensitization  Workshop On Productivity Mainstreaming - on Tuesday 20th to Wednesday 21st February, 2024 to sensitize staff on productivity, mainstreaming, metrics and measurement.

The trainees of the workshop comprised of  staff drawn from the Office of the Vice-Chancellor and the three divisions of: Administration and Finance, Academic and Student Affairs and Planning, Research and Development. Workshop facilitators were: Mr. Evans Mbeche and Tsazu Ayugi from National Productivity and Competitiveness Centre. 

Prof. Eric Koech; the University's Vice-Chancellor, said in his opening remarks that "every bit of a piece of work counts in terms of being productive in a workplace and wherever one could be ''. "That is what will bring success to the organization when everyone does his/her work effectively and efficiently besides the culture of just clocking in and clocking out", he further said.

Among those in the workshop included:

1) Prof. Maurice Odour - Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Planning, Research and Development

2) Prof. Paul Onsare - Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge in charge of Academic and Student Affairs 

3) Prof. Isaac Naibei - Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Administration and Finance


By admin

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