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Inauguration of UoK Council

  • May 15,2024
  • by admin

Inauguration of UoK Council

The inauguration of the fourth University of Kabianga Council was held on 14 th May, 2024 at the University Main Campus in a ceremony that brought together Council and University Management Team. The seven member team who had received their appointment letters were administered oath of office by the University Legal Officer, Ms. Ayuma Robai who is an Advocate and Commissioner for oaths.

The members are: Hon. Mr. James K. Bett (independent Member), Ms. Edinah N. Kangwana (independent member), Ms. Tabitha A. Nyandiek (independent member), Mr. Peter K. Gathirwa (independent member), Mr. Shadrack M. Mutuku (Representative, National Treasury), Vainadu Titus Z. Ingana (Representative, Ministry of Education) and Prof. Eric Koech who is the Vice-Chancellor and the Secretary to the Council. The team of new members of Council posses a diverse skill set necessary for the Council to approach problem solving from multiple
The interim Chairman, Hon. James Bett, encouraged the new team to endevour to steer the University to greater heights of achievements in order to contribute to economic and social development of our country, Kenya. In his inaugural speech, the interim Chairman also pointed out that financial constraint was the greatest challenge facing Universities and posing threats to sustainable performance. He therefore urged members to harness their mix of skills in ensuring sustainable income for sustainable performance. Members individually expressed commitment to service and embrace teamwork for the greater good of the University.

By admin

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