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UoK Registers the Second Patent

UoK Registers the Second Patent

The University of Kabianga celebrates its second patent which has been registered by the Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI) in the name of Dr. Shadrack Mule (Senior Lecturer of Chemistry) and the University, in respect of an invention titled “The Process of Converting Pineapple Waste (Peels, Crown and Core) into Powder and Production of Nutritious Beverages”. Dr. Mule is the Technology Transfer Officer of the University. He is an experienced Lecturer, Researcher and Innovator. He is duly trained on the Research to Commercialization Pipeline. The University congratulates Dr. Mule on this impactful achievement.

Project Details

School School of Science and Technology
Researcher Dr. Shadrack Mule
Status Patent
Place University of Kabianga
Total Grant N/A
Period N/A

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