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New Graduation Date : Wednesday, 24th March 2021

  • March 08,2021
  • by admin

New Graduation Date : Wednesday, 24th March 2021

University of Kabianga wishes to inform ALL graduands who qualified for the conferment of various Degrees and award of Diplomas of University of Kabianga during the 2019/2020 academic year, parents/guardians, stakeholders and the general public that the graduation ceremony which was earlier scheduled for 26th of March, 2021 has been moved forward to Wednesday 24th March, 2021 starting at 9.00 a.m. The University regrets any inconvenience caused by this change.

In order to adhere to the COVID-19 MoH Protocols, the graduation ceremony will be held virtually streaming live on facebook and twitter. The graduands and all our guests can also join us via Google meet using links that will be provided later.

It is the duty and responsibility of each graduand to confirm his/her examination results and the accuracy and order of names from the respective School on or before 2st March, 2021. Prospective graduands are informed that those who will not have met all the requirements for graduation, including clearance of fees and other levies by    1st March, 2021 will not be included in the graduation list.

Each graduand will be required to pay a compulsory Graduation/Convocation fee. The graduation attire will be issued from respective schools from 15th March to 19thMarch, 2021 upon full clearance and payment of the graduation/convocation fee.

The Convocation/Graduation and Graduation attire fees will be as follows:
















All hired graduation regalia must be returned by 9th April, 2021. Graduation regalia returned after the deadline shall attract a penalty fee of KSHs. 1,000 per day including weekends and public holidays.

A graduation is a very important event in the calendar of the University. For this reason, students will be given an opportunity to participate in the development of a documentary to commemorate the occasion. This has been scheduled to begin from 8th March, 2021. Graduands picking gowns will have this special chance ahead of the virtual graduation ceremony.

All payments should be made to University of Kabianga, Co-operative Bank Kericho Branch -Account number 01129046214700.

On the material day, graduands will be expected to follow the proceedings on facebook or twitter.  Links will be provided.


For further information, please contact;


TEL 0772-048578/020-2008087


By admin

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