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UK Knowledge Exchange Visit Facilitated By British High Commission -Foreign Commonwealth Development Office In Collaboration With Kenya Innovation Agency (KeNIA)

  • March 14,2024
  • by webmaster

UK Knowledge Exchange Visit Facilitated By British High Commission -Foreign Commonwealth Development Office In Collaboration With Kenya Innovation Agency (KeNIA)

The Foreign Commonwealth Development Office organized a knowledge exchange visit under the British High Commission as support to Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA) from 26th to 29th February, 2024.

The team comprised delegations from Kenya, South Africa and Ghana. The delegates from Kenya were, Dr. Tonny Kerage Omwansa, (Chief Executive Officer, Kenya National Innovation Agency); Prof. Eng. Peter Ng’ang’a Muchiri, (Vice Chancellor, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT));  Dr. Shadrack Mule, (Technology Transfer Officer, University of Kabianga); Prof. Collins Odote Oloo, (Associate Dean, Faculty of Law, the University of Nairobi), Prof. Bernard Kibeti Nassiuma, (Associate Professor, Business development specialist at the Moi University incubation centre) and Dr. Elijah Museve, (Ag. Director of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology Enterprises Services). The team visited Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, Royal Academy of Engineering, Loughborough University, Cranfield University, Imperial College and White City, and Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).

The overall goal of the visit was to exchange knowledge, experiences and practices on commercialization of Research, Technology and Innovation outputs; gain insights on entrepreneurial ecosystem; acquire knowledge and best practices around industry-academia linkages in the UK and explore opportunities for bilateral research partnerships to address mutually beneficial pressing development challenges. The project highlighted various issues which are of essence to fully have Entrepreneurial Universities in Kenya as:

1)  Adequately resourced Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) in Universities and Research Centres.

2)  Sensitization of researchers and faculty members on technology transfer processes at the early stage of their research.

3) Supportive institutional R2C policies i.e IP, Commercialization/StartUp policies.

4)  Enforcement of IP policies at Universities and Research Centres.

5)  Strong partnerships and linkages between Universities and the industry.

By webmaster

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