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2024 First Year's Inaugural

  • August 23,2024
  • by admin

2024 First Year's Inaugural

Flanked by Senate, Management Board and other staff, University's Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Eric Koech on this day Friday 23rd August, 2024, made his inaugural speech to the First Year students of 2024. "Congratulations to you all for having gotten this opportunity to be part of the University of Kabianga. Count yourself lucky to be here and we too are happy to have you here", Prof. Koech said.  

The Vice-Chancellor cautioned the students to be aware and keep off some of the vices like: alcohol and drug abuse, internet abuse, laziness, immorality and gambling which deter excellent performance.

Prof. Koech further told the students, "As the University puts all necessary measures for your security while you are here, it is important that you endeavor to be mindful of your own security; which includes; among others: observing traffic rules while walking along the tarmac highway, avoiding walks at night, being in the right places at the right time, avoiding taking photo selfies on risky points like river sides and choosing the right friends". 

The Vice-Chancellor wished the students a prosperous period of study, as he referred to the Bible: Numbers 6:24-26, “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace”.


By admin

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