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Water Supply Project Launch at UoK

  • February 16,2024
  • by admin

Water Supply Project Launch at UoK

The Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation has committed funds to implement the construction of water supply system for the University of Kabianga in Belgut Constituency, Kericho County.

The Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency under the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and irrigation who is mandated to implement the project, visited the University of Kabianga on 1st November 2023 to discuss with the Management the logistics of the project. Among the discussed items include the site for the project on the University land.

The project site was handed over and is located on the Uok Land, near Kabianga River, next to the UoK Tree Nursery adjacent to the UoK Nature Trail.

The objective of the project is to ensure the provision of sufficient, clean, sustainable and affordable water to the University students, staff and the adjacent communities.

On Thursday 16th November 2023, the Contractor embarked on the project implementation starting with demarcating the project site in the presence of University of Kabianga Quantity Surveyor Geoffrey Tonui and the representatives of the School of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

Description of the Project

  • The Project is being undertaken by Lake Victoria South Water Works Agency.
  • The Contractor is Smooth Engineering construction Limited.
  • The project components are:  water treatment plant, water pipework to UoK water tank and water points as well as pipework to Kabianga, Chepnyogaa and Kapmaso centers.
  • Site handing over was done on 1st November 2023.
  • The Project will take a period of one year to completion
  • The project cost is estimated at 147 Million  

This project will be a life changer in the University and its environs, for Water is Life and  access to quality water is a human right enshrined in the 2010 Kenya Constitution and one of the 17 United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

By admin

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